Data driven, easy to understand admission chances, rankings and tools to help simplify your college search.
See 126 Ohio Four Year Colleges and Universities from our extensive database of 359 Ohio Colleges, Community Colleges, and Trade Schools.
The beautiful state of Ohio has 137 universities and colleges that will allow one to receive a top-notch education no matter what subject area they want to study. Ohio colleges offer the scenery and atmosphere necessary to stimulate one to learn knowledge and material at an exceptional rate in order to receive the best education possible.
There are 107 colleges in the United States that are identified by the US Department of Education as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
U.S. News provides nearly 50 different types of numerical rankings and lists to help students narrow their college search. From National Universities and Liberal Arts Colleges to A-Plus Schools for B Students, find the right one for you.
When you think of Ohio, there are probably a few colleges and universities that immediately jump to mind – Ohio State University, Oberlin, Case Western, Wooster, and perhaps a few others as well. But what you might not realize is that Ohio is actually overrun with great schools, each of which offers something a little different.
That’s what the following ranking represents – the top 30 colleges and universities in Ohio that prioritize both cost and quality in serving their students.